Your pool will be winterized and we will advise you of any problems or concerns found.
Closings include the following:
Cover will be installed as needed.
Pump, heater, filter, and other equipment will be winterized.
Ladders and rails will be taken out and stored.
Water level will be lowered as needed.
The pool will be given a final skimming and vacuuming.
Pressure gauges, return fittings, skimmer baskets, and plugs will be removed and stored.
Automatic cleaner will be removed and stored.
Plumbing lines will be blown free of water and antifreeze added.
Winter algaecide will be added at no additional cost.
Filters will be backwashed and/or filter elements hosed off.
Deep cleaning of cartridges or DE grids will be $65 and done over winter.
Water will be removed from skimmers as needed and plugged with Pool Skimmer Gizzmo as needed. We require that customers use the Gizzmo or similar product and will be sold for $10 each.
Additional chemicals may be needed and are not included in our pricing. Additional labor rates may apply.